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The Difference Between Audit, Review and Compilation?

Does your company have stakeholders, or potential investors or creditors, that have requested financial statements that meet specific requirements? If that is the case, then you should know the difference between the various services, and types of engagements that a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) can provide…

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Tax on Dividends From U.S. Stocks

As diversified investors, it is very likely that you may have investments in U.S. stocks that pay dividends; there are tax considerations that you should know about if that is the case…

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What Happens If I’m Late Filing My Tax Return?

If your return is late and you have a balance owing, you will be subject to both interest and late-filing penalties. Interest is charged on the outstanding balance starting the day after the due date of the taxes payable, and is compounded daily. It can get expensive…

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5 Reasons to Switch to Cloud Accounting

Cloud based accounting systems are rapidly gaining popularity within small and medium sized business. There are significant benefits to be had from moving your accounting to the cloud, especially with the number of options that have become available in recent years…

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