Incorporating a holding company has potential tax and non-tax benefits that may be worth exploring for your business. Holding companies can be used to reduce tax, income split, or potentially protect your assets from creditors. You may ask, what is a holding...
Many business owners seek advice from their Chartered Accountant when it comes to tax planning, corporate and personal tax return preparation, and other corporate needs such as incorporation, financial statement preparation and reporting, etc. Each of the above...
The Small Business Deduction is an income tax deduction for qualifying Canadian businesses. To qualify the business must be a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC) throughout a given tax year. The Small Business Deduction reduces the Part I tax that a...
You may have read or heard that there are tax benefits for businesses in Canada that qualify as a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC). The rules for qualifying as a CCPC are as follows: The corporation must be privately held It also has to meet all of the...
Perhaps you are about to start a business, or you have already started a small business and are wondering if and when you need to register for GST / HST. Here is some guidance for you: The short answer is that most businesses are required to register for the GST /...